Stress causes disease and stops you being the creator of your life


When we are in survival mode we are stressed. Your brain and body are knocked out of balance. Stress steals energy from you.

When you are feeling under threat by someone or something, you are pulling on all your energy and this converts to chemistry of cortisol and adrenaline, this adrenaline activates flight or fight, your primitive nervous system, to respond to that threat as though your life depends on it. The adrenaline fires your mind and your body. You use up a lot of energy doing this. In the short term this is natural.

Today, however, you may be in constant stress so you are constantly tapping into your body’s resources and energy. That adrenaline is firing you open and some people can become addicted to that high.

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches us that the hormones of stress are highly addictive, and notably, proven to be the cause of many maladies and diseases. We often use the problems and conditions in life to reaffirm our addiction to this negative emotion in order to just feel something. This makes change even more challenging, as we may actually be getting an addictive chemical rush from a poor relationship, a bad job, or another negative emotional situation.

Problem is that if the stress response is triggered by thoughts of fear or negative situations and the person is in a hyper arousal state, this is an unnatural condition and could lead to diseases like auto immune diseases, cancer, heart problems etc.

By living in stress people narrow their focus on matter, their problem or on time or their current life. They cannot look at other possibilities ( energy). They feel separate from their dreams.

How to change this and connect to the unified field of possibilities . Use meditation to create a new reality for yourself.

To stop stress stealing your energy, use meditation to disconnect from your life.

Take attention off your body – you become a no -body

Take attention off other people – you become no-one

Take attention of material things – you become no-thing

Take attention of place you need or want to go – you become no-place

Take attention of time – you become no-time

By sitting still in the present moment you are taking your attention from outside stimuli so that now your brain concentrates on your inner world, thoughts and feelings.

By surrendering yourself, you are activated by the field of possibility / field of information that exists beyond space and time, widen focus and then brain and heart will be coherent.

As you connect to unified field, you start to feel you have everything that you want, you feel more whole and connected to something greater.

The two hemispheres of the brain speak to each other and this creates a magnetic field in your heart. You draw that situation to you by trusting from that field of information.

You don’t have to take any action. You are in the vortex of creation and you collapse time.

You cannot predict how it will happen or when it will happen. You trust. If you try and predict then you are going back to old thinking – matter from matter.

The more you place your attention on surrendering to the unified field of possibilities the easier it becomes, where your attention goes, your energy flows. You experience more of it and it affects the circuits in your brain.

The more you meditate – you connect to the unified field:


You will go from being a somebody to a nobody to a consciousness of everybody, which is the unified field.

You will go from being someone, to no one to everyone.

You will go from the consciousness of something, to no thing to every thing.

To the consciousness of somewhere to nowhere to everywhere.

From the consciousness of sometime to no time to everytime.

The more you connect to this unified field the closer you go to it and so you diminish the time to manifest and the more whole you feel.

Have a clear intention/ vision – ask yourself “ what would it be like to have good health” “ what would it be like to have a good job” etc.

The moment you ask that it activates a creative part of the brain ( frontal lobe) turns on. It becomes an orchestrator. Once you feel joy, inspiration and gratitude for what you desire, that elevated emotion – feeling good – with this intention can create that reality. This means that the heart and the brain are coherent.

By going within, you create the energy to draw the experience to you. It means that you can heal yourself at the cellular level—even change your DNA.  

It means that you can create as much abundance, passion, and joy as you can imagine. 

Knowledge about yourself is self empowerment. I want to inspire and motivate you so that you can become the recipient of a life you want to live. For more information please contact me.

Until next time, in love and gratitude,

inspiring support



Energy Shifter, Intuitive Wellness and Health Coach,
Certified Heal your Life Coach,
Spiritual Mentor, Certified Tarot Reader,
Certified Forensic healer, Reiki Master and Teacher,